My research focus lies at the intersection of Computer Vision and Deep Learning.
In particular, I am interested in Egocentric 3D Human Pose Estimation, 3D Object Reconstruction, and
Synthetic-to-Real Domain Adaptation.
3D Human Pose Perception from Egocentric Stereo Videos
Hiroyasu Akada, Jian Wang, Vladislav Golyanik, and Christian Theobalt
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024, Highlight (top 3.5%)
[Project page]
[Benchmark Challenge]
In this work, we propose a new transformer-based framework to improve egocentric stereo 3D human pose
estimation, which leverages the scene information and temporal context of egocentric stereo videos.
Furthermore, we introduce two new benchmark datasets, i.e., UnrealEgo2 and UnrealEgo-RW (RealWorld).
Our extensive experiments show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms previous methods.
EventEgo3D: 3D Human Motion Capture from Egocentric Event Streams
Christen Millerdurai, Hiroyasu Akada, Jian Wang, Diogo Luvizon, Christian Theobalt, Vladislav
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024
[Project page]
We tackle a new problem, i.e. 3D human motion capture from an egocentric monocular event camera with a
fisheye lens.
Event streams have high temporal resolution and could provide reliable cues for 3D human motion
capture under high-speed human motions and rapidly changing illumination.
We leverage these characteristics and propose the first approach for event-based 3D human pose
estimation, EventEgo3D (EE3D).
The proposed EE3D framework is specifically tailored for learning with event streams in the LNES
representation, enabling high 3D reconstruction accuracy.
We also provide two new datasets, EE3D-S and EE3D-R.
UnrealEgo: A New Dataset for Robust Egocentric 3D Human Motion Capture
Hiroyasu Akada, Jian Wang, Soshi Shimada, Masaki Takahashi, Christian Theobalt, and Vladislav
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022
[Project page]
We present UnrealEgo, i.e. a new large-scale naturalistic dataset for egocentric 3D human pose
UnrealEgo is based on an advanced concept of eyeglasses equipped with two fisheye cameras that can be
used in unconstrained environments.
UnrealEgo is the first dataset to provide in-the-wild stereo images with the largest variety of
motions among existing egocentric datasets.
We also propose a new benchmark method that achieves the state-of-the-art results on UnrealEgo.
Self-Supervised Learning of Domain Invariant Features for Depth Estimation
Hiroyasu Akada, Shariq Farooq Bhat, Ibraheem Alhashim, Peter Wonka
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022
We tackle the problem of unsupervised synthetic-to-real domain adaptation for single image depth
An essential building block of single image depth estimation is an encoder-decoder task network that
takes RGB images as input and produces depth maps as output.
In this paper, we propose a novel training strategy to force the task network to learn domain invariant
representations in a self-supervised manner.
Dynamic Object Removal from Unpaired Images for Agricultural Autonomous Robots
Hiroyasu Akada and Masaki Takahashi
International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS), 2021
We developed a GAN-based stem that remove dynamic objects in images. The system can be trained without using
paired images with/without the dynamic objects.
Education & Experience
[Sep 2022 - Present] Ph.D. student, Max Planck
Institute for Informatics (Saarbrucken, Germany)
[July 2021 - Aug 2022] Visiting researcher, Max Planck
Institute for Informatics (Saarbrucken, Germany)
[Apr 2018 - Aug 2022] Master student, Keio University
(Kanagawa, Japan)
[Sep 2020 - June 2021] Internship, KAUST (Saudi
Arabia, remote)
[July 2019 - Aug 2019] Internship, Tencent (Palo
Alto, CA, USA)
[Aug 2018 - May 2019] Student, University of California,
(Berkeley, CA, USA)
[Apr 2014 - Mar 2018] Bachelor student, Keio University
(Kanagawa, Japan)
Awards & Grants
Nakajima Foundation (中島記念国際交流財団), 2022-2027 (expected)
CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2021-2022
TOBITATE, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan 2018-2019
Professional Services & Activities
Lab Visits:
Conference Participation:
CVPR 2024 (Seattle, USA), ECCV 2022 (Tel Aviv, Israel), WACV 2022 (Hawaii, USA), IAS (Singapore,